Live Your Life



Motivation, positivity, goals, passions and giving love are all necessary to live the life you want and to truly have and find your happiness. Don't wait to have a midlife crisis to actual live... Live everyday, love everyday, and just live your life ..... no seriously Live your life


  • What Is Your Meaning And Purpose?

    18/05/2017 Duration: 18min

    What is your meaning and purpose? Today, I speak with you about how to find your meaning and purpose in this life. I speak with you on what it really means to use it and have it. The idea of meaning and purpose is to find what brings you joy and what excels you further in this life and use it up like the last little but of sunscreen on a hot summers day in the sun,

  • Attitude of Gratitude

    09/05/2017 Duration: 30min

    TODAY!!!!!!! I talk about how the power of gratitude and how it can effect your life. I chat about about the importance of being grateful not only about materialist objects you currently own, but also the people and the activities you're able to surround yourselves with. By being grateful for what you have, you're able to live a more meaningful and enriched life. It is simply impossible to feel grateful and positive about something and also be negative, so I discuss the ability to choose your side of that spectrum.

  • Mindfulness

    03/03/2017 Duration: 24min

    Today I talk about becoming more mindful in your own life. Mindfulness is being aware of the present moment. By becoming more aware of the present moment, it creates less stress and fear towards the future and stops the need to dwell on the past. I talk about the importance of mindfulness and what it actually means "to practice mindfulness" or "mindfulness training" and how to do it. By becoming more mindful of the present moment you can become more mind-full and connected to your own self.

  • New year, New you?

    31/01/2017 Duration: 13min

    New year, new you? I think so! Today I talk about the new year! Usually new years resolutions fail by the end of the month because of loss of motivation and drive. I talk about the idea of a setting a new years intention with the allowance for failure and growth. We take the idea of intention and grow with it and learn from whatever happens. At our lowest point of failure we rise. When a goal is small we allow ourselves to feel the love from ourselves when we achieve it. I believe setting smaller more achievable goals will let us sky rocket past the large unreachable goals faster.

  • Conquering the "why does this happen to me"

    22/11/2016 Duration: 12min

    We are talking about why do bad things happen to good people? Sometimes we feel that when things are so great something bad has to happen to us. We need to take control of the "bad" things and toss them aside. Make those bad things a small speed bump on the road to your ultimate happiness and path in life. GOOD people happen to bad things. Don't let the rain mess your parade up. Learn to dance in the rain..

  • Discouragement and rising up

    25/10/2016 Duration: 15min

    Discouragement happens to everyone. It happens daily and to the best of us. Here I try and help you rise up. Listen to this if you are feeling any discouragement. This life is our and we make our outcomes. It takes courage and encouragement to succeed. We need to love our selves, fight for our selves and prove our selves wrong. We need to get over the hump when times are tough to realize then we will come out the other side a better person. BECAUSE WHO ARE YOU? YOU ARE A CHAMPION. YOU ARE A FIGHTER. YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL HUMAN FIGHTING FOR YOUR HAPPINESS.

  • What do you want from life?

    19/09/2016 Duration: 11min

    Lets take charge of our life. We are small on this planet but we can make a huge difference to ourselves. Go find your greatness and find what you love. Go out and take what you want. Get your life started by taking action. We have the control, we have the control to mold and shape our lives so what are we waiting for? What do you want from this life?

  • Conquering the Complaining

    12/09/2016 Duration: 18min

    Today I talk about complaining. I am taking a no complaints 30 day challenge. If we complain we are too busy to go after what we want. I believe that if we stop complaining, disassociate ourselves from chronic complainers then we will live a more happy and positive life without even trying. Lets take the root of the complaint and go out and fix it then fester in it. Also stop your complains and get tacos

  • Being happy for others success

    05/09/2016 Duration: 17min

    We need to restore what we learned when we were little.. treat others how you want to be treated. We all want praise when we accomplish something. So then why is this so difficult for us when it happens to our peers? It may come from a competitive, jealous or negative place. But we need to learn to show others love and happiness and wear a cheerful countenance. I want to learn to show others how amazing their accomplishes are. We have absolutely no idea of others battles. We have no idea what they had to do and sacrifice to get to their goals. Sometimes its so hard we have to fake til we make it and say "Wow I am so happy for you" when in reality are are upset it didn't happen to us. Treat that person right and it will cycle back to us. If we want to be hooped and hollered at for our accomplishment we must go above and beyond for others. It is a cycle. If we treat someone poorly when they expected a congratulations then the next time around we to will receive that hate. DON'T JUST CONGRATULATE.

  • Are We Enough?

    30/08/2016 Duration: 14min

    BACK IN ACTION! Taco Tuesday today! In episode ten I talk about the every so great self doubt of are we enough? A lot times when a relationship or situation in life occurs that didn't go in our favor we right off the bat question ourselves. We questions our self worth wondering am I good enough? Am I pretty enough? Am I smart enough? Strong enough? And it starts a spiral of self doubt. You need to stop and say hey look you are enough, in that situation you were not but it was for the best because you will become more than enough for yourself and the next person that comes along. Most of all in life we need to have self for ourselves before we can love anyone else. It starts every morning with a choice for how that day will go. Look yourself in the mirror and change the am I to I am. I am strong enough, I am smart enough and I am enough for myself. Start that everyday and where it takes you.